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Brasil, Rice University, Science without Borders, study abroad




Será realizado, entre os dias 2 e 3 de maio de 2023, no Rio de Janeiro, na sede de Bio-Manguinhos da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), a sétima edição do Simpósio Internacional em Imunobiológicos (ISI, na sigla em inglês). I International Symposium on Immunobiologicals
O ISI tem como objetivos o fomento do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico, a integração de cientistas e pesquisadores com instituições de produção e desenvolvimento, a promoção da visibilidade da produção científica, principalmente no que diz respeito ao setor de biotecnologia, e a capacitação de profissionais e líderes para atuar no mercado de biotecnologia.
O simpósio, que ocorrerá em modelo híbrido, destina-sea estudantes, pesquisadores, investidores e todos os tipos de profissionais envolvidos na área de imunobiológicos e afins ou de saúde pública, provenientes de instituições de produção e/ou desenvolvimento tecnológico de vacinas, biofármacos ou reativos para diagnóstico, empreendedores, startups, investidores e agências de fomento. Durante o evento, há a previsão da realização de ações como palestras e mesas redondas; webinários; workshops; exposição de pôsteres; praças de convívio; jogos interativos; e estandes dos parceiros do ISI.
As inscrições para o evento são gratuitas e poderão ser feitas a partir do dia 2 de janeiro de 2023 pela página eletrônica: https://isi.bio.fiocruz.br/, a qual será atualizada até o final do ano com mais informações sobre o simpósio. A submissão de pôsteres que serão selecionados para exibição no ISI será realizada no período de 2 de janeiro a 7 de março de 2023.
 SSH Integration in Horizon Europe: Insights and Resources in Support of Interdisciplinarity
We would like to invite you to the Webinar “SSH Integration in Horizon Europe: Insights and Resources in Support of Interdisciplinarity”, which will be held on February 1, 2023, starting at 10:30 am, on the Zoom platform. The event will feature the participation of Dr. Kimberly Couvson-Liebe, who is Scientific Officer at the DLR Project Management Agency (Homepage – DLR Portal), where she is also Horizon Europe Cluster 2 National Contact Point (NCP) and part of the coordination team for the EU-funded project Net4Society, the international network of Horizon Europe Cluster 2 National Contact Points. The opening will be held by the FGV’s Research Network Director, Goret Pereira Paulo.
During the webinar, topics related to integration of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Horizon Europe, the European Commission’s current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, will be presented, such as: What is SSH Integration and why is it important in the context of Horizon Europe; SSH Flagged topics—what is this, How to include SSH aspects in an proposal for Horizon Europe funding; what evaluators will be looking for, support tools and services and a brief overview on how to do SSH Integration from a practical standpoint.
Horizon Europe is considered the main research and innovation program of the European Union in terms of allocation of resources for research and innovation development.

September 7, 2022


September 2, 2022


August 26, 2022


July 26, 2022


June 9, 2022


April 19, 2022


April 04, 2022


March 29, 2022

A Master’s Recital

at the Shepherd School of Music

March 4, 2022

Brazil Brief


February 8,  4 – 4:45 PM (CST time zone)

Watch the recorded webinar: https://rice.box.com/s/3kbwgjuhgiezcd95lk99ojcp72l97qkz


Meet the New Brazilian Consul General

November 2 at 1:30 p.m.
Faculty Club Garden


Spring Welcome Luncheon

March 29 at noon
In Courtyard in front of Sewall Hall (Welcome Center)


No Meu Lugar

Show online e logo depois teremos o nosso Brasil@Rice Bate-Papo com Mayra Onuchic.

March 13 at 3:30 p.m. (CST)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 5700 0799
Passcode: 151662


II Brazilian Education Fair

O Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Houston e a Rice University apresentarão a II Brazilian Education Fair. Uma semana inteira com palestras virtuais voltadas para os estudantes e pesquisadores brasileiros interessados em ingressar em universidades norte-americanas.

Dias 19 – 23 de outubro. As palestras diárias serão:

19:00-20:00 horário Brasilia / 5:00-6:00pm CST

20:00-21:00 horário Brasilia / 6:00-7:00pm CST

Assista todas as palestras no YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiaNCtWXbl7qQlTCkJmEmQQ

Programação: II Brazilian Education Fair program


Brasil@Rice Tacos & Bate-Papo
October 5 at noon
Sewall Hall
Maximum of 20 people. Please RSVP: https://forms.gle/imBbkXK1NyQibAyv5


Brasil@Rice Virtual Cafe & Bate-Papo
August 12 at 4 p.m.


July 1 at 2 p.m.
Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88457905166

Brasil@Rice Office invites you to join Dr. Ericson De Paula’s open webinar on Onshore Oil and Gas Business Environment in Brazil hosted by BRATECC on July 1st at 2 p.m. (CST).


Brasil@Rice Virtual Happy Hour
June 4 at 5 p.m.


Brasil@Rice Virtual Happy Hour
April 24, 2020 at 4 p.m.


First winners of the Brasil@Rice Virtual Bate-Papo Contest on Instagram!


Brasil@Rice Virtual Bate-Papo Contest on Instagram!

Brasil@Rice is hosting two small competitions via social media in order to win a $50 gift card for a Brazilian steakhouse, Fogo de Chão.

1) The first one is to come up with a quick little video or picture answering the question How are you keeping sane at home?”. We want you to use your creativity, and get wholesome about this. Show us your pet, your games, whatever you are doing right now! – Deadline is April 10, 2020.

2) The second one is How are you helping the community? So if you’re doing anything to give back, let us know, and you might just get something from it! – Deadline is April 30, 2020.


Brasil@Rice Taco Friday e Bate-Papo (and pão de queijo + guaraná)
February 21, 2020 from 11:30 am – 1:00 p.m.
Captain’s GSA Lounge


The Consulate-General of Brazil in Houston, in collaboration with Rice University, cordially invites you for the event “Brazilian Films at Rice University – Edition 2019”.

Tuesday – December 3rd – 7 p.m.

 The movie of my life (2017), by Selton Melo – Young Tony decides to return to his hometown in the countryside of South Brazil. Once there he discovers his father has returned to France claiming to miss his friends and country of origin. Tony ends up becoming a teacher, and finds himself amid conflicts and inexperience.

Wednesday – December 4th – 6 p.m.

 Desert (2017), by Guilherme Weber – A small group of artists travels around the Brazilian backlands presenting a show. Arriving in a small village, they discover an abandoned city, houses, church and a fountain that spouts clean water like a miracle. Tired and shaken from their wandering life, the artists decide to settle in the village and found a new community, giving themselves different roles from those they have played for a lifetime. This new configuration, however, will reveal to these artists the worst vices of civil life.


Rice University

2030 University Blvd., Houston 77005



Texas Premiere

Sunday, November 17 | 4:00PM | Rice Cinema

Description: A few years from now… Bacurau, a small village in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be 94. Days later, its inhabitants notice that their village has literally vanished from most maps and a UFO-shaped drone starts flying overhead. There are forces that want to expel them from their homes, and soon, in a genre-bending twist, a band of armed mercenaries arrive in town picking off the inhabitants one by one. A fierce confrontation takes place when the townspeople turn the tables on the villainous outsiders, banding together by any means necessary to protect and maintain their remote community. Winner of the Jury Prize at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival.

Web Page: https://www.cinemahtx.org/event/bacurau/

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/754866821639726/


Brasil@Rice Café e Bate-Papo
October 30, 2019 from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Housing and Dining


Developing Human Capital during Childhood and Adolescence

October 8, 2019 from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc, Madison Avenue, New York, NY, USA

Speaker: Flavio Cunha, Professor of Economics, Rice University



Brasil@Rice Café e Bate-Papo
September 27, 2019 from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Founder’s Room


The GREAT project (Global Rice Empower Academics & Training) – Brazilian students at Rice host young adults with IDD to learn about Brazil.
June 29, 2019